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Youkey promise your money back if the item you received is not as described, or if your item is not delivered within the Youkey Protection period. You can get a refund 7 days after the claim process finishes.

  • Contact Seller
  • Go to your orders and select the item. Contact seller and discuss the issue and see possible solutions.

  • Open a dispute
  • If you cannot find a mutual agreement to solve the issue, request a refund by opening a dispute within 7 days following the delivery of your order or the end of the expected delivery period. Make sure to describe your issue in detail and provide support evidence where applicable.

  • YouKey will step in
  • Youkey will allow the seller to provide a solution within 3 business days, if not you can request youkey to step in and examine the issue. Then a suitable solution or a full refund will be granted within 7 days.