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Low temperature dehydrated Jackfruit 

Jack is technically a fruit, its consistency is similar to that of chicken or pork, it has a fairly neutral taste when young. Jackfruit is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and other important vitamins and minerals.

 Unlike animal sources of protein, jackfruit contains no saturated fat or cholesterol, it’s light in sodium and is also low in calories, additionally it contains 3 grams of fiber per serving, as well as 110 milligrams of potassium heart-healthy nutrient that many of us are not getting enough of Also, research suggests that compounds in the flesh, seeds and other parts of the plant may have the potential to treat or prevent a number of health conditions.

This pack can use as a meal (breakfast or dinner) or as a curry with rise. Just soak in lukewarm water (300C) and steam or cook. Then add salt enjoy with fresh coconut and peper or cook as kiri kos curry


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